Monday, February 4, 2013

A Month of Love

With Valentine's Day around the corner, I am sure love has been on the mind of 95% of women and 0% of men.  Don't worry ladies they will come around on February 13 or 14.  This whole concept of Valentine's Day got me thinking recently though.  I use to be a strong anti-valentine kind of girl.  You know the one who says, "Why do we need one day for you to tell me you love me, you should do that everyday."  Then I began to realize that for some couples its important to have that reminder, because everyone loves differently.  

With that in mind I thought, why not declare February the Month of Love.  People spend hundreds of dollars each February 14th, but it doesn't have to be like that.  A Month of Love just implies that you spend a little time each day emphasizing your love for your significant other.  A great way to do that is by speaking their love language.

If you are unfamiliar with love languages, you need to pick up The Five Love Languages.  Its a simple book that allows couples to find out not only what way they prefer to be loved, but more importantly how to love their spouse/significant other more effectively.  Find out what your spouse likes: acts of service, quality time, psychical touch, gifts, or words of affirmation   If you can figure out what your spouse prefers and speak to them in that language, the entire make up of your relationship can change.  No longer are you attempting to figure out what makes them happy, but you are truly making them happy.  When their "love tank" is full then they can better love you as well.  Love languages flow both ways and it is important for both people in the relationship to be intent on speaking that of the other, rather than their own.  

So with all that said I encourage you all to take up the challenge of making February the Month of Love.  Do something each day to make your spouse or love feel special.  I assure you that at the end of the month your will have so much more invested in your relationship and get so much more out of it.  I have listed a few ideas below on how to take up this challenge.

  • Complete a household chore you know they hate
  • Listen when they talk
  • Say "thank you" for even the small things
  • Let them watch something they want 
  • Cook their favorite meal
  • Pick them up a small gift to show you think about them when you are apart
  • Read a book together (The Bible is a great start!)
  • Turn off the TV! Spend time together
  • Fill up their car with gas
  • Avoid pushing their trigger when arguing 
  • Offer them a foot rub or back massage
  • Try out a new experience together
  • Leave work stress at work
  • Give them compliments, often
  • Ask for hugs and kisses
  • Share- food, feelings, and love
  • Pray together
  • Go on a treasure hunt
  • Send letters or love notes
  • Give them space when they are in a bad mood
  • Make them laugh
  • Go on a couples retreat
  • Tell them WHY YOU LOVE THEM

I will be posting each Friday with real ways that Mr. P and I have been showing our love!

Join the Month of Love Challenge! 

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