Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Treasuring Hunting

Yesterday's lunch date turned into shopping for treasures at a local antique store.  My friend Jessica was mentioning some ideas she had for her wedding that required some vintage touches and I suggested we hit up a local antique store near my house.  So off we went... let's just say it was an experience.

This place was a two story conglomeration of ancient artifacts who's value was very much up for debate.  They had some nice pieces of furniture I could see myself refurbishing, but there were also random items that I think someone just called "vintage" rather than "old" and decided they could sell them at an antique store.  

Just one section of the store!
Jessica found some exciting travel supplies... all her bags are packed and she's ready to go (cheesy... but I watched Armageddon last night, so Ben's sweet serenade is on my mind).

Oh you know, we all need a bucket of rusty railroad spikes... only $2 each. I guess I could use these in my classroom when we talk about the Transcontinental Railroad.

 Julia Child wannabe...


The big find of the day was an old Polaroid camera, which Jessica really wanted!  However, the rude sweet gentleman and lady working at the front could not sell it to us, because there was no tag on it.  Oh, well it's their loss of a sale.  So we left empty handed, but it was a fun place to explore.

Tomorrow morning I'm off bright and early with the some of the ladies in my family for a little vacay road trip.  It will involve lots of shopping (outlet malls!), eating, and maybe even a fun show! I'll be back on Friday with a recap, so enjoy the post I have set up for you guys while I'm gone!

1 comment:

  1. I love it! I had so much fun and we must do it again... at a different store! Haha!
