Thursday, November 15, 2012

College Kid

Go Pirates!
I'm going back to college.
Just kidding... I wish!

Today is College Day at school.  It is my task to share crazy stories experiences with my students that will make them understand the awesomeness of the college experience.  We get to fully embrace the day, college t-shirt and all.  For most teachers this is cool... not cool when you look like you are in high school still.  It gets confusing and you just get that "Hmmmm, I think your a teacher, but you cannot possibly be since you look like you are 14 years old" look.  Oh well rocking the look anyway.

As I began reflecting on what I would tell my students, I realized why would anyone pass the college opportunity up if they could make it happen.  My four years of undergrad and year of grad school were the best years of my life.  I met incredible people, gained valuable knowledge, learned to see the world from different perspectives, and actually got to see other parts of the world.  

The thing I enjoyed most about college though were the little things.  Sitting outside on a fall afternoon drinking my hot chocolate and studying.  Bicycle rides down the Greenway.  Long van rides for far away tennis matches stuffing my face with Whales and Sour Patch Kids.  Early morning breakfast with my tennis girls after a grueling 6 am workout.  Lunch dates on campus with Mr. Pennington.  Pouring down rain on both my graduation days. The list could go on and on, but you guys get the point.  Life isn't always about the big events.  Sometimes its about the little small ones in between.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite college memory?

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